About Krish

Hi! I’m Krish Chaturvedi born on 11/11/2005 to Mr. Pankaj Chaturvedi and Mrs. Catherine Lasso.

I am excited to be part of the “University of Chicago” (since Oct 2023). In high school I was involved in a plethora of clubs and organizations. Most notably, I competed in Public Forum debate on the national circuit for 4 years and amassed 6 bids to compete at the Tournament of Champions. I exited my tenure at the club as Executive Director and Debate Captain.

Another organization I was invested in is the Hindu American Political Action Committee(HAPAC), a group committed to advocating for local politicians to accept Hindi culture as part of a functioning society. These experiences in witnessing prejudice and cultural rejection in South Florida sparked an interest in majoring in Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Chicago in order to study the linguistic, societal, and cultural causes of Hindu identity loss in conservative spaces.

Outside of my school and community, I played piano and performed compositions for 12 years. I achieved Yearly honors at the Guild National Piano Playing Auditions, and I was awarded the Paderewski medal for my performance in these auditions. In my free time I love to listen to music and play soccer.

My elder sister Sneha is pursuing her career in “Medicine” and my younger sister Divyaa aspires to be a veterinarian.

With the blessings of my paternal grandparents (Mr. V.N.Chaturvedi and Mrs. Anjana Chaturvedi), my “Thread Ceremony (Yagyopaveet Sanskaar)” is going to happen on 15th February 2024 in India. I am so excited to undergo this major transformation of my life.